
Pricing Tables

We provide price, completion time, monthly fee and scale estimates for application development and other services. These prices grow together with your project depending on the amount of features and content needed.

Website Solutions

Pricing for web application accessible on the internet. This is the most extended list of features and services, since web sites is our main specialty. We give free smartphone and tablet support with our websites solution.

Small Medium Large
Solution Work Days Price Fee Work Days Price Fee Work Days Price Fee
Base 2 D 100 € 4 D 200 € 8 D 400 €
Web hosting 2 D 3 €/Mon 4 D 6 €/Mon 8 D 12 €/Mon
Authentication system 2 D 100 € 4 D 200 € 8 D 400 €
Content management system 2 D 100 € 4 D 200 € 8 D 400 €
Search engine optimization 2 D 100 € 4 D 200 € 8 D 400 €
Progresive design and animations 2 D 100 € 4 D 200 € 8 D 400 €
Private mail server 2 D 100 € 1 €/Mon 4 D 200 € 2 €/Mon 8 D 400 € 4 €/Mon
AI integration 4 D 200 € 8 D 400 € 16 D 800 €
Private server administration 4 D 200 € 4 €/Mon 8 D 400 € 8 €/Mon 16 D 800 € 16 €/Mon
E-commerce 6 D 300 € 3 €/Mon 12 D 600 € 6 €/Mon 24 D 1200 € 12 €/Mon

Application Solutions

Cross-platform sand-alone application prices. Choose from a variaty of features for powerful and integrative programs that we code. Support for smartphone and tablet is a paid option.

Small Medium Large
Solution Work Days Price Fee Work Days Price Fee Work Days Price Fee
Base 10 D 500 € 20 D 1000 € 40 D 2000 €
Progresive design and animations 2 D 100 € 4 D 200 € 8 D 400 €
Authentication system 4 D 200 € 8 D 400 € 16 D 800 €
AI integration 6 D 300 € 12 D 600 € 24 D 1200 €
E-commerce 6 D 300 € 3 €/Mon 12 D 600 € 6 €/Mon 24 D 1200 € 12 €/Mon
Smart phone support 10 D 500 € 20 D 1000 € 40 D 2000 €

Game Solutions

3D or 2D graphic game running on either desktop or web browser. We develop unique entertainment software that not only is performant and platform-agnostic, but artistically crafted as well. Tablet and smartphone support is optional.

Small Medium Large
Solution Work Days Price Fee Work Days Price Fee Work Days Price Fee
Base 20 D 1000 € 40 D 2000 € 80 D 4000 €
Web hosting 2 D 3 €/Mon 4 D 6 €/Mon 8 D 12 €/Mon
Authentication system 4 D 200 € 8 D 400 € 16 D 800 €
AI integration 6 D 300 € 12 D 600 € 24 D 1200 €
E-commerce 6 D 300 € 3 €/Mon 12 D 600 € 6 €/Mon 24 D 1200 € 12 €/Mon
Smart phone support 10 D 500 € 20 D 1000 € 40 D 2000 €

Server Solutions

Price of remote application for various different purposes. From enabling command line or web interfaces to deployment and testing systems, we take on complex tasks.

Small Medium Large
Solution Work Days Price Fee Work Days Price Fee Work Days Price Fee
Base 4 D 200 € 8 D 400 € 16 D 800 €
Private mail server 2 D 100 € 1 €/Mon 4 D 200 € 2 €/Mon 8 D 400 € 4 €/Mon
Web hosting 2 D 100 € 3 €/Mon 4 D 200 € 6 €/Mon 8 D 400 € 12 €/Mon
Authentication system 4 D 200 € 8 D 400 € 16 D 800 €
Content management system 4 D 200 € 8 D 400 € 16 D 800 €
Private server administration 4 D 200 € 4 €/Mon 8 D 400 € 8 €/Mon 16 D 800 € 16 €/Mon
AI integration 6 D 300 € 12 D 600 € 24 D 1200 €

Other Solutions

Other services we provide. Please take note though, that the prices are a bit higher for singled out services. We only discount development solution selections.

Small Medium Large
Solution Work Days Price Fee Work Days Price Fee Work Days Price Fee
Private mail server 2 D 100 € 1 €/Mon 4 D 200 € 2 €/Mon 8 D 400 € 4 €/Mon
Web hosting 2 D 150 € 4 €/Mon 4 D 300 € 7 €/Mon 8 D 600 € 14 €/Mon
Private server administration 5 D 250 € 5 €/Mon 10 D 500 € 10 €/Mon 20 D 1000 € 20 €/Mon

Solution Scaling

Figuring out what scale your project might be is a bit of an overwhelming task at first sight, that's why we provide an extra table with the limits of components or features to be included in an application by scale. Note that these are still estimates and prices might vary depending on the overall complexity and implementablity of the needed application.

Small Medium Large
Disk Space 2 GB 10 GB 100 GB
AI Models 3 6 12
Pages 4 8 16
Monthly Traffic 5 TB 10 TB 20 TB
Mail Boxes 5 10 20
Animated Components 5 10 20
Graphic Artworks 5 10 20
E-Commerce Listings 100 Items 400 Items 1000 Items